Animal Info - AlbaniaContentsThreatened Species, Environmental and Social Data (Mammals, Biodiversity/Ecosystems, Population, Area/Land Use, Protected Lands, Economy, Education), References and Links Threatened SpeciesThreatened Species: The following list includes all mammals which occur in Albania and are rated as Critically Endangered (CR), Endangered (EN) or Vulnerable (VU) in the 2004 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals.
Environmental and Social DataMammalsTotal number of species: 68 (Groombridge
& Jenkins 1994) Biodiversity/EcosystemsAlbania contains portions of the Mediterranean Shrublands & Woodlands Global 200 Ecoregion (Olson & Dinerstein 1998, Olson & Dinerstein 1999) PopulationPopulation in 1995: 3,451,000 (Natl.
Geog. Soc. 1995) Area/Land UseArea: 28,749 sq km (11,100 sq mi) (Natl.
Geog. Soc. 1995)
Percent of land area classified as the following degree of human disturbance: Low: 0 %; Medium: 28 %; High: 72 % (WRI 1994) Protected LandsArea: 450 sq km (174 sq mi) (Groombridge
1992) EconomyPer capita GNP ($ U.S.): $340 (Natl.
Geog. Soc. 1995) EducationPercent of females in secondary education (1989): 73 % (World Bank 1992) References and LinksReferences: Cons. Intl. 1999a, Groombridge 1992, Groombridge
& Jenkins 1994, IUCN 1994, IUCN 1996,
2004, Natl. Geog.
Soc. 1995, Olson & Dinerstein 1998, Olson & Dinerstein 1999, World Almanac 1999, World Bank 1992, WRI 1994 Top of Page | Search This Site Home | Rarest Mammals | Species Index | Species Groups Index | Country Index | Links Last modified: April 4, 2005; |
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